Some projects are a modification to the program and we are not engaged to review the business. This topic only relates to on-site business development projects.

We get a lot of enquiry to assist a business to improve its performance and after many years of providing the service we have established a set of understandings and rules that need to be agreed to before we begin.

1:Project DurationWe will estimate how long the project will take but this is just an estimation.
As we work in the business we usually find that there are additional requirements and circumstances that can affect the project's duration.
Usually we will provide an estimate, create a price, and divide the price up over the estimated time.
We want the project to complete but if it does not complete within the time frame, the weekly price is maintained, and paid weekly until the project is finished.
The estimation is only for the stipulated period. It does not cover additional time.
The project must be paid weekly by automatic payment, to our nominated bank account.
2:AdministratorMany Owners of a business try to be the Administrator and develop the business at the same time. This never works.
Administrators have a lot to do and the tasks are repetitive, time consuming, and a daily requirement.
The Owner needs to be working on the business and not in it and if they take up the Administrator's role, they are only able to apply half of their time and energy to developing the business.
4 hours of daily sales and marketing will return more than 4 hours of administration. It's all about the development of structure and investment of time.

We can assist in recruiting and training an Administrator and there are reports that can tell you everything you need to know about how the Administrator is performing. You must keep your eye on things as this is the core of management but you must delegate. For an Owner, Administration is a costly distraction. If you are wanting to be your own Administrator, our services are unfortunately unlikely to really help you.
3:HardwareWe have never entered a business and found the hardware and operating systems to be efficient. Even if you have an IT company servicing your needs, we can pretty much guarantee your systems are slow. The reason being is that most companies only get an IT company involved to fix a problem or buy a required PC. Its a reactive process which only focuses on an individual issue. As a whole, your systems are usually in a slow and unreliable condition. We find a plethora of issues such as; not usings Solid State Hard Drives, incorrect Operating System configurations, worn out keyboards and mice, incorrect monitors, poor system security and many other things. The effect of barely maintained systems is the erosion of time. If you have 5 computer staff and the systems are running 20% slower than they could be, you are effectively losing the results of 1 staff member a day and that is expensive.
We will review your systems and require you to upgrade them. We can do the job but obviously it takes time and hardware costs and this may not have been factored into the project.
4: Employment & HRMost of the time we can work with your existing staff. However once we have worked out the situation and business opportunities, there may be new positions created or existing staff position shifts.
With these changes your position as Owner in moved more into a management structure and if you are not used to managing a team, you will need to learn the skills of people management.
It's about working with them to establish standards, targets, quality requirements, reporting processes, and review.

We use a specific set of software products to establish payroll, and human resources such as Job Descriptions and Legislation. You will have to switch to our Payroll product which is SmartPayroll.
5:EnvironmentAny practice which is not environmentally friendly will need to be resolved.
6:DataIf moving from other software products to SoEasy, this is no problem. We have moved many companies with success and we have lots of tools to help us but, the data we import will only be as good as the data you have. The conversion will not resolve issues that were inherent at the time of the import. This is another factor that can extend the project time.
7: After hoursMuch of the work is conducted after hours so as to minimise any impact on your business. From experience, lots of weekend are involved and many late nights.
In Conclusion

These are our requirements to give you the best service and achieve the best results. The result of a project should be that your bottom line increases and that the business runs smoothly. You will also find that as the Owner, you have less stress and enjoy the business more and this is the case for many people. In some cases there is a clash where Owners have thought that once engaged, the challenge of improving their business was only ours. In reality we can only refine your systems. The real challenge is that the Owner and staff have to make internal changes. This is all about personal development.